Stream HPC

Cancelled: StreamHPC at Mosaic3DX in Cambridge, UK

mosaic3dxUpdate: we are very sorry to tell that due to a deadline in a project we were forced to cancel Vincent’s talk.

StreamHPC will be at Mosaic3DX in Cambridge, UK, on 30+31 October. The brand new conference managed to get big names on-board, I’m happy to be amongst. Mosaic3DX describes itself as:

an international event comprising a conference, an exhibition, and opportunities for networking. Our intended audience are users as well as developers of Imaging, Visualisation, and 3D Digital Graphics systems. This includes researchers in Science and Engineering subjects, Digital Artists, as well as Software Developers in different industries.




Download the full program.

My talk will be about physics using OpenCL:


Hope to see you there! If you’d like to hear specifics during the talk, let me know via the comments.