Stream HPC

StreamHPC’s Newsletter

stapel_krantenWanting to know what really happens in the world of OpenCL? StreamHPC’s monthly newsletter is the most complete and independent source around the business and techniques around OpenCL. Subscribe, because the written news doesn’t always end up on this blog.

StreamHPC hates spam and will use the subscription-information only for the newsletter.


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     Sign up for our Newsletter 

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Most interested in:*- Faster software in general

  • Faster Artificial Intelligence
  • Faster Big Data
  • Faster Image Processing
  • GPU programming with OpenCL and CUDA
  • OpenCL on networked FPGAs
  • Stay up-to-date with what we do

    Background:*- Management

  • Professional GPU/FPGA developer
  • Professional CPU developer
  • Academic researcher
  • Other

    Want to say anything to us? (not required)

    * = required field

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