Stream HPC

Call for Papers, Presentations, Workshops and Posters for IWOCL in Stanford

iwocl2015The IWOCL 2015 call for OpenCL Papers is now open and is looking for submissions from industry and academia relating to the use of OpenCL.  Submissions may refer to completed projects or those currently in progress and are invited in the form of:

  • Research Papers
  • Technical Presentations
  • Workshops and Tutorials
  • Posters

Examples of sessions from 2014 can be found here.

Deadlines at a Glance

Call for submissions OPENS: Wednesday 19th November, 2014   Call for submissions CLOSES: Saturday 14th February, 2015 (23:59 AOE)   Notifications: Within 4 weeks of the final closing date   ## Selection Criteria

The IWOCL Technical Committee will select submissions based on the following criteria;

  • Concept of the submission and its relevance and timeliness
  • Technical Depth
  • Clarity of the submissions; clearly conveying what your presentation
  • Research findings and results of your work
  • Your credentials and expertise in the subject matter

Unpublished Technical Papers

We solicit the submission of unpublished technical papers detailing original research related to OpenCL. All topics related to OpenCL are of interest, including OpenCL applications from any domain (e.g., scientific computing, video games, computer graphics, multimedia, information retrieval, optimization, text processing, data mining, finance, signal and image processing and numerical solvers), OpenCL performance analysis and modeling, OpenCL performance and correctness tools and proposed OpenCL extensions. IWOCL will publish formal proceedings of the accepted papers in The ACM International Conference Series. Please Submit an Abstract which should be between 1 and 4 pages long.

Technical Presentations

We solicit the submission of technical presentations detailing the innovative use of OpenCL. All topics related to OpenCL are of interest, including but not limited to applications, software tools, programming methods, extensions, performance analysis and verification. Please Submit an Abstract which should not exceed 4 pages.  The accepted presentations will be published in the online workshop proceedings.

Workshops & Tutorials

IWOCL includes a day of tutorials that provide OpenCL users an opportunity to spend more time exploring a specific OpenCL topic.  Tutorial submissions should assume working knowledge of OpenCL by the attendees and can for example cover OpenCL itself, any of the related APIs such as SPIR and SYCL, the use of OpenCL libraries or parallel computing techniques in general using OpenCL. Please Submit an Abstract which should not exceed 4 pages. Please include  the preferred length of the tutorial or workshop (e.g. 2, 3 or 4 hours).


To encourage discussion of the latest developments in the OpenCL community, there will be a poster session running in parallel to the main sessions and open during the breaks and lunch sessions.  The abstracts of the accepted posters will be published in the form of short communications in the workshop proceedings, provided that at least one of the authors has registered for the workshop. Please Submit an Abstract which should not exceed 2 pages.

Submit your abstract today

Go to Easychair, log in or register, and click on “New Submission”. Deadline is 14 February.