Stream HPC


Welcome to the webpage of Stream HPC. We’re a company in Europe that work on solving the most difficult HPC problems with emphasis on scaling to GPUs and clusters. We have built up experience in speeding up software, designing performance oriented architectures, writing maintainable low-level code, selecting the best hardware for the job, and building benchmarks. Above all, we’re a customer oriented company, as we want our clients to feel in control, while we do that heavy lifting.

The company is multi-cultural and designed to be a safe space for everybody of our team – from LBGT+ to Asperger’s, we focus on making our differences our strengths. As you can read in the job self-assessment, we have 4 main strengths:

  • CPU development: algorithms, low-level code, architectures for CPU-based software. This includes clusters.
  • GPU development: algorithms, low-level code, architectures for GPU-based software. This includes graphics programming
  • Problem-solving: get from full understanding to full exploration quickly.
  • Self-managed teams: we don’t hire managers, but provide frameworks.

Our customers are all around the world, but especially North-America, West-Europe and East-Asia. We have built many high performance software that run from edge-computers to super-computers. See “What we do” for examples.

Our offices are in:

  • Amsterdam
  • Budapest
  • Barcelona

If you want to know more, feel free to get in contact.

See this page for Netherlands/Belgium, Hungary or Spain.