Stream HPC

Internships: the self-driving vehicle – updated

UPDATE: We now only offer thesis support (“externs”), for students who want to use OpenCL in their research, but don’t have such support at their university. for the rest the below applies.

From July there are several internships available here at StreamHPC, all around self-driving vehicles (or even self-flying drones). 800px-Toy_car_1This means that with an interest in AI, embedded programming and sensors, you’re all set.

You can work as an intern for a period from 1 to 6 months, and combine it with your thesis. We will assist you with planning, thesis correction and technical support (especially OpenCL). There are also a few other startups in the building, who you’d like to talk with.

Your time will exist of literature studies, programming, testing, OpenCL-optimisations and playing. We’ll work with bikes and toy-cars, so no big cars that are expensive to crash. Study fields are road-location, obstacles, driving-style detection, etc.

If you want to do an internship purely to gain experience, we can offer you a combination of research and working for real customers.

Some targets:

  • Create a small test-car full with sensors: - radar for distance
  • multi cameras
  • laser
  • other sensors, like touch
  • Programming an embedded board with OpenCL-capability.
  • Programming pointcloud algorithms in OpenCL.
  • Defining the location on the road, also in OpenCL. (taken)
  • Detecting pedestrians, signs.
  • Have fun creating this.

Please contact us and tell your ideas and plan.