Stream HPC

IWOCL 2017 Toronto call for talks and posters is open

The fifth International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL) will be held on 16-18 May 2017 in Toronto, Canada. The event kicks-off with a full-day Advanced Hands-On OpenCL tutorial which is followed by two-days of conference: keynotes, academic papers, technical presentations, tutorials, poster sessions and table-top demonstrations.

IWOCL 2017 Call for Submission Now Open – Submit your abstract here. Deadline is beginning of February, so better submit the coming month!

Call for IWOCL 2017 Annual Sponsors is also open. For that contact the IWOCL organisation via this webform.

Every year there have been unique conversations having real influence on the OpenCL standard, and we heard real-life development experience during various talks. If you missed the real technical talks at certain other GPU conferences, then IWOCL is where you should go.