Stream HPC

Meet us in April

9017503_mThe coming month we’re travelling every week. This generates are a lot of opportunities where you can meet the StreamHPC team! For appointments, send an email to

  • Meet us at ParallelCon (6 April 2016, Heidelberg, Germany). Besides the crash course (see below), we also have a talk on Vulkan.
  • Crash Course OpenCL @ ParallelCon (8 April 2016, Heidelberg, Germany). This is part of the conference – you can still buy tickets!
  • Meet us in Toronto (11 April 2016, Toronto, Canada). In Toronto for business, with time for appointments.
  • Meet us at IWOCL (19 April 2016, Vienna, Austria). The event-of-the-year for all OpenCL. So ofcourse we’re there.
  • Meet us in Grenoble (25 April 2016, Grenoble, France). For a training we’re there the whole week. On Thursday and Friday there is time for appointments.

We’re happy to talk business and about technology. Also giving presentations at your company is an option.

This information was previously communicated via the newsletter and on LinkedIn.