You found the main computation takes over 90% of the processing time, or you found the framework to be slow in general. We got in contact an… THEME_MASONRY.BLOG.CONTINUE_READING
We found a finance benchmark for GPUs and wanted to show we could speed its algorithms up. Like a lot! Following the initial work done in po… THEME_MASONRY.BLOG.CONTINUE_READING
How fast is your software? The simpler the software setup, the easier to answer this question. The more complex the software, the more the a… THEME_MASONRY.BLOG.CONTINUE_READING
Stream HPC is 10 years old on 1 April 2020. Therefore we offer our one day GPGPU crash course for free that whole month. Now Corona (and fea… THEME_MASONRY.BLOG.CONTINUE_READING
We are a problem solving company first, specialised in HPC – building software close to the processor. The more projects we finish, the more… THEME_MASONRY.BLOG.CONTINUE_READING
If you’re into computational finance, you might have heard of FinanceBench. It’s a benchmark developed at the University of Deleware and is … THEME_MASONRY.BLOG.CONTINUE_READING