Stream HPC

We sponsor HiPEAC again this year

HiPEAC is an academic oriented, 3-day, international conference around HPC, compilers and processors. Last year was in Vienna, this year in Amsterdam – where StreamHPC also is based. HiPeacThat was an extra reason to go for silver sponsorship, besides I find this conference very important.

Compilers have the job to do magic. Last year I had nice feedback on my request to give the developers feedback where in the code the compiler struggles – effectively slapping the guy/gal instead of trying to solve it with more magic. Also learned a lot about compilers in general, listened to GPGPU-talks, discussed about HPC, and most of all: met a lot of very interesting people.

Why you should come too? I give you five reasons:

  • Learn about compilers and GPU-techniques, in depth.
  • Have great discussions about the latest and greatest research, before it’s news.
  • Meet great people who create the compilers you use (or the reverse).
  • Visit Amsterdam, Netherlands – I can be your guide. Flights are cheap.
  • Only spend €400 for the full 3 day programme and a unique dinner with 500 people – compare that to SC14 and GTC!

If you are seeking for a job in HPC, compilers and GPGPU, you should really come over. We’re there, but several other sponsors are also looking for new employees too.

See the tracks at HiPEAC, which has a lot more GPU-oriented talks than last year. I selected a few from the list in bold.


  • Opening address
  • William J. Dally, Challenges for Future Computing Systems
  • Euro-TM: Final Workshop of the Euro-TM COST Action
  • Session 1. Processor Core Design
  • CS²: Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems
  • IMPACT: Polyhedral Compilation Techniques
  • MCS: Integration of mixed-criticality subsystems on multi-core and manycore processors
  • EEHCO: Energy Efficiency with Heterogeneous Computing
  • INA-OCMC: Interconnection Network Architecture: On-Chip, Multi-Chip
  • WAPCO: Approximate Computing
  • SoftErr: Mitigation of soft errors: from adding selective redundancy to changing the abstraction stack
  • Session 2. Data Parallelism, GPUs
  • James Larus, It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
  • SiPhotonics: Exploiting Silicon Photonics for energy-efficient high-performance computing
  • HetComp: Heterogeneous Computing: Models, Methods, Tools, and Applications
  • Session 3. Caching
  • Session 4. I/O, SSDs, Flash Memory
  • Student poster session / Welcome reception


Don’t forget to meet us at the industrial poster-sessions.

  • Rudy Lauwereins, New memory technologies and their impact on computer architectures
  • Thank you HiPEAC
  • Session 5. Emerging Memory Technologies
  • EMC²: Mixed Criticality Applications and Implementation Approaches
  • ADEPT: Energy Efficiency in High-Performance and Embedded Computing
  • MULTIPROG: Programmability Issues for Heterogeneous Multicores
  • WRC: Reconfigurable Computing
  • TISU: Transfer to Industry and Start-ups
  • HiStencils: High-Performance Stencil Computations
  • MILS: Architecture and Assurance for Secure Systems
  • Programmability: Programming Models for Large Scale Heterogeneous Systems
  • Industrial Poster Session
  • INNO2015: Innovation actions in Advanced Computing CFP
  • Session 6. Energy, Power, Performance
  • DCE: Dynamic Compilation Everywhere
  • EUROSERVER: Green Computing Node for European Micro-servers
  • PolyComp: Polyhedral Compilation without Polyhedra
  • HiPPES4CogApp: High-Performance Predictable Embedded Systems for Cognitive Applications
  • Industrial Session
  • Session 7. Memory Optimization
  • Session 8. Speculation and Transactional Execution
  • Canal tour / Museum visit / Banquet


  • Burton J. Smith, Resource Management in PACORA
  • HiPEAC 2016
  • Session 9. Resource Management and Interconnects
  • PARMA-DITAM: Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures + Design Tools and Architectures for Multi Core Embedded Computing Platforms
  • ADAPT: Adaptive Self-tuning Computing System
  • PEGPUM: Power-Efficient GPU and Many-core Computing
  • HiRES: High-performance and Real-time Embedded Systems
  • RAPIDO: Rapid Simulation and Performance Evaluation: Methods and Tools
  • MemTDAC: Memristor Technology, Design, Automation and Computing
  • DataFlow, Computing in Space: DataFlow SuperComputing
  • IDEA: Investigating Data Flow modeling for Embedded computing Architectures
  • TACLe: Timing Analysis on Code-Level
  • EU Projects Poster Session
  • Session 10. Compilers
  • HIP3ES: High Performance Energy Efficient Embedded Systems
  • HPES: High Performance Embedded Systems
  • Session 11. Concurrency
  • Session 12. Methods (Simulation and Modeling)

Hopefully till then!