Stream HPC

Winning demo of Tokyo Demo Fest 2013 uses OpenCL

flagThe Tokyo Demo Fest 2013 is one of the many demo-parties around the globe. At such parties is where great programmers meet great artists and show off what came out of their collaborations.

The winner of this year used OpenCL to compute real-time procedurally generated geometries. For the rest C++, OpenGL and Gamemonkey Script was used.

Tech features: curl noise, volumetric textures, Perlin noise, mesh deformations, HDR/bloom, film grain, fractals, Hermite splines, Tweens and quaternion iridescent particles.

The creator, Tokyo-based Eddie Lee, has done more projects – be sure to visit his homepage. I hope more demosceners start using the power of OpenCL to get more out of their demo’s.

Do you see where below kernel is used? Hint: check the other videos of Eddie.

kernel void curlnel(                       read_only image3d_t volume,                         sampler_t volumeSampler,                         __global float4 *output,                         float speed                       ) {     uint index = get_global_id(0);     uint numParticles = get_global_size(0);     float indexNormalized = (float)index/numParticles;

    // read from 3D texture 
    float4 vertData = output[index]; 

    float3 samplePos = vertData.s012; 
    samplePos = samplePos+(float3)(0.5f); 

    float4 voxel = (read_imagef(volume, volumeSampler, 

    vertData.s012 +=*speed; 

    output[index] = vertData; 

According to GPUVerify (see previous post) the line starting with “float4 voxel” has an error.